• VHDL and Verilog based FPGA development.
  • Coding based on the client’s coding standards. Support for development of coding standards.
  • All AXI-4 based protocols: Streaming, Lite and Full. Application of these interfaces to any IP cores.
  • Video processing from simple color conversion and 2D FIR filtering modules to complex low-latency image conversion algorithms. Frame buffering is common. However, sophisticated single pixel/line handling enables extreme low-latency video processing, orders of magnitude below the frame frequency/period.
  • High-speed interfaces like PCIe, Aurora.
  • Proprietary avionics/defense interfaces: MilBus-1553, Arinc-429, Arinc-818 (for video).
  • Common widely used interfaces: SPI, I2C, UART.
  • Complex math algorithms implementation in fixed-point arithmetic using DSP48 or equivalent math resources. It may include algorithm development from scratch in Matlab/Simulink, starting with high-level floating point functions, all the way down to the speed and resource optimized fixed-point solutions.
  • Expertise in numerous IP cores, both from the FPGA vendors and their 3rd party partners.
  • Fast integration of DDR memory controllers in the design.
  • General glue-logic coding of all complexity levels.
  • Audio processing.
  • Interfaces/drivers to all ICs.